Saint Patrick is the christian patron saint of Ireland with that attribute a lot of falses histories including banish

He was born in the end of fourth century in a britain family. Couriously, he was been in prison for a few years because a group of irish raiders atack his region. They bring him to Ireland in captivity, thing that causes his devotion for christianism. He was afraid and he had to believe in something to survive and to thing that he were protected.
A night, in a visionary dream, God appears to him and has told him that it was time to escape. He was to walk two hundred miles to escape but when already he had escaped an angel revealed him an other time saying: "You have to return to the land that you have left behind to teach what you're learnt about God". Patrick, disconcerted, return to Ireland to teach everybody that God protected them and has incorporated some traditional rituals to Christianity.
Designated saint to both appearances that he had. He has transformed the Christian ideal of the epoch for the british people. It was created the day of this saint in seventeen March.
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