Charles Spencer Chaplin was born in Londres the 16th of April 1889 and died the 25th of December 1977. He worked as an actor, director, writer, producer and composer.
With 90 films, he has become the most important and representative figure in the mute cinema world, which has given him a very important recognition. He created a very peculiar man whose name was The Tramp (in Spanish: Charlot), who was vagabond but with refined ways to act and the dignity of a gentleman. He was wearing a narrow jacket, big trousers, shoes that were bigger that he needed, a bowler hat, a cane and a characteristic moustache. People knew him because of his unmistakable way of walking and his disillusion of the injustice of the new society made him the emblem of the new working-class.

Later, this film was considered one of the bests in the story of cinema.
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