Everybody have to relax themselves another time while they are working hard. In our case, high school students have barraques time to do a time out between hard weeks of study. This year hasn't been different and we've gone to Figueres the two weekends hearing different concerts.
All people of batxillerat have gone once minimum to this kind of party which help us to relax in hard moments like now, the final week, ¡of all our high school! So we have to try to do our best this week to don't leave fall a work of all years of student. Because we've worked to be where we are, to one step of university.
Returning to the barraques topic, I've to say all class has passed a grateful moments together. Particularly I've gone with my boy friends (don't mean boyfriends!) to the most important concerts there were like Strombers, Conchita or Los Delinquentes.
This entrance is too a way to give thanks to those persons who have created unforgettable moments like every year. Sadly we will separate ourselves in many cases and we won't see us usually like these days but, I suppose and wish, that every moment we can to spend together, we'll spend it with the laughs and friendship we have had in this barraques 2010.
"We all live with the objective of being happy; our lives are all different and yet the same."- Anne Frank
2 coments:
Roger :)
I have been there only one day because of the exams but it was great. It is as an excuse to meet with everybody and with people that you don't see from a long time ago.
Nice blog Roger and good luck with last exams ;)
Roger why you put a photo of me annd pau's girlfriend???
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