The powers of Church and the Irish statement conspired during decades to conceal the systematic abuses of children and girls on the part of priests and nuns, including violations and beatings, according to an exhaustive report that has been recently announced to the public opinion the Commission of Investigation.
This report, composed to 720 pages, analyze more than 300 incidents attributed to 46 priests but it less clear this number of priests is "the top of the iceberg". Only Dublin Church 150 priests have been defendants to violations, and to they we have to add hundreds more in the Irish country and Christian associations that frequented orphanages.
This fact is one of the major scandals of the Republic of Ireland history. This report study the archives of 1975 to 2004 but we know that previous archbishops have defend priests that do these kind of abuses, in 40's. Moreover Church have always defend that she didn't know these affairs, for this reason this report that revels truth about Church achievement it's an important valid piste.

If someone asked me to give him my opinion about this fact it's obviously what I will say. I respect religious beliefs, but I can't tolerate abuse of power. When my eyes have seen this news I have trembled.
Young students that went to an ecclesiastic school have had a tormented childhood because of the priests abuses.
I can't imagine why these persons, servers of God and who promulgate the truth could have done this scandal, arriving with terrific declarations of some defendants: "I abused to a hundred of children." or this other: "I abused to a minor every fifteen days during 25 years."
Sincerely, these declarations have permitted me to see the supply of the worst actions of humans, indifferently if they are members of a organsitaion or a religion, what it's not more than a mask among which we can defend and to justify ourselves.
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