Source: Catalonia today magazine
In January 2009 marked the 20th century of the birth of Edgar Allan Poe, who is considered by many critics to be the father of modern literature. But he lived in penury and was widely derided and misunderstood by his contemporaneous.
His work remained hidden after his death and only remerged thanks to Charles Baudelaire who translated his work to French.
In his childhood, Poe was abandoned by his father when he was only two years old. His mother died from consumption. Poe’s death has been suggested that he was assassinated for political reasons.
Edgar Allan Poe was a natural creator of literature, enigmatic stories and poetry were their prefer subjects to work on. In his life we can see how a poet life can be misunderstood by people.
So there are a lot of poetry creators who didn't triumph after his death. It is not till then, when the people of his around thinks about the person that they have left to lose. Poe was one of many cases in poetry history, because the more important artists had been ever in the world, have lived in penury.
Personally I think poets had been misunderstood because of his time advancement, like painters. The case of Poe was very clear. With his work we've could see is one of the greatest writers ever in the history of universal literature, being, like has been by many critics, the father of modern literature. We can think more about this case, and all similar. We have to see with another eyes poets actually?
"I wish I could write as mysterious as a cat."
- Edgar Allan Poe
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