Next week will be published the answer of one of the major secrets of Spanish literature, Lazarillo de Tormes's author.
Product of Renaissance, his author has remained silently under the anonymity in four centuries to the present day. The discover of this mystery was the literature's researcher Mercedes Agulló after thirty years of investigation.
Lazarillo is the principal protagonist of a novel which introduces the picaresque device showing various professions and levels of society presenting realistic details from the sixteenth century.
Fortunately, thanks to Mercedes we know Lazarillo's author was be Diego Hurtado de Mendoza a man who "represents as few ones the ideal Renaissance one of union of the weapon and of the letters" - said her.
It's one of the major discoveries of Literature studies and we can consider it as historical, so since this day we have to learn the author's names, as one of the most important authors of Spanish Renaissance.
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