Does God exist?

The religion always has been a theme of discussion. It does milleniums that there are questions about a powerful figure. His asking has begun with the help of the philosophy. However philosophy sometimes has been a supporter of God's figure (for example with the ideas of philosopher Descartes).

At begining of time, Greeks and Romans believed with a lot of natural powers that were those who created the land, the sea, the air and everything that exist. The christianism introduced the God's figure as the only who was the response to the creation. It belief that was looking at us from the heights and he communicates occasionally in visions to believers.

But everything change when Galileo Galilei discovers that we didn't alone. He discover that there were an enormous site raises ours that look at us, the universe. After being killed burned by the inquisition.

The religion began to lose importance. But it wasn't Galileo's burning, was the massacre that did the Inquisition killing miliones of persons in bonfires only for not believing as those who imposed it.

God represents the kindness, the happiness of his created children. If God represents all this things, ¿how can we belief in a figure, that maybe doesn't exist, who has been the cause of an enourmous number of deaths? I think that an universal power never will kill his children in any circumstances.

If you want to give your opinion or sample of your belief to God I wish to take part in the test that I've created in this blog.

3 coments:

Vito Andolini Corleone ha dit...

GOD IS DEAD - Nietzsche

Cèlia Garcia Moreno ha dit...

I don't think so.
I would be anybody who makes fairness, there would't are too misery, wars, hungry, ilness,unfairness...and a looooong etc.
How much wars have been "in the name of God", for example?
Every day I amb more sure that we only have to belive in ourselves.

If God isn't dead, it seems!

See u tonight Roger :)

jake ha dit...

I don't know if God exists or not, some people would like to believe he does but unfortunatly there is no real evidence to say that he is real so until someone gives me a reason to believe in him, and a good reason, for now I am not a believer.